Sometimes you may be connected to internet but your browser won’t work
To solve this issue, Follow these steps
a)You have to un-install any ad-ware software
To solve this issue, Follow these steps
a)You have to un-install any ad-ware software
b)You have to run these commands in “CMD” (Command prompt)
c)Resetting WinSock and TCP/IP to defaults: TCP/IP stack repair options for use with Windows XP with SP2.* * For these commands, *Start,Run, CMD, OK* to open a command prompt.
c)Resetting WinSock and TCP/IP to defaults: TCP/IP stack repair options for use with Windows XP with SP2.* * For these commands, *Start,Run, CMD, OK* to open a command prompt.
d)Reset WINSOCK entries to installation defaults: netsh winsock reset catalog Type this in command prompt and press enter
e)Reset TCP/IP stack to installation defaults. *netsh int ip reset reset.log* Type this in command promt and press enter Now again connect to internet it would work now.
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